Testing Policy


Last Update há 3 anos


For all those who know Paul and Sheryl, they will say, ‘What you see is what you get!’

There is nothing hidden…sometimes we think there should be, but when it comes to our business we know that it’s the only way to go. Consumers have an absolute right to know everything about the food they consume from the farmers or beekeepers in this case who produced it and all other information necessary so an informed decision can be made.

We know our honey and we want you to know it too!

***Click here to check your honey's authenticity***


As the world’s finest Manuka Honey brand, Steens has always been committed to providing assurances to global customers of purity, safety and authenticity.

All of the honey we pack into pots exceeds the New Zealand Government export testing requirements. This is because in addition to testing our honey under the Government's Ministry for Primary Industry (MPI) Guidelines, we also test our honey under the UMF® Grading system. This independent test exceeds NZ Government Export standards and is the most stringent test for Manuka honey globally.

This sets the bar extremely high - but we believe this is critical to our business and is vital to ensure trust when purchasing Steens Honey. It is estimated that up to 80% of all honey labelled as Manuka honey is not legitimate Manuka.


All honey packed in New Zealand as Manuka for export must be tested by a New Zealand government MPI-recognised laboratory to make sure it meets the Manuka honey definition prescribed by the NZ government.

The Manuka honey definition test is made up of a combination of 5 attributes (4 chemical markers from nectar and 1 DNA marker from the Manuka pollen found in the honey).

This test allows the industry to separate Manuka honey from other honey types and identify it as either monofloral or multifloral Manuka honey. Currently the MPI regulations are such that this definition only applies to honey packed and exported in consumer packaging from New Zealand. This means that honey sold domestically within New Zealand does not yet need to meet the definition.

Find out more by visiting MPI’s website

***Visit MPI's Manuka Website***

Here is MPI’s Infographic to help explain the definition


The UMF® trademark is a quality trademark that is internationally verified and recognised. It is backed by an industry quality standard, independent audits and a network of accredited laboratories around the world.

You can be sure that you are buying the best quality Manuka honey and your rights as a consumer are protected. To ensure your Manuka Honey is genuine, look for UMF® (Unique Manuka Factor) on the label.

UMF® grading tests for 4 markers in Manuka including...
  • Methlglyoxal (MGO) - MGO stands for methylglyoxal, the naturally occurring compound that makes Manuka honey so special
  • Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) - a precursor chemical of MGO, is found in the nectar of Leptospermum scoparium (Manuka) in New Zealand. The DHA levels are often still relatively high in freshly harvested honey. Over a period of time, the DHA will convert to MGO in the honey, through a natural chemical process
  • Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) - this is a test to ensure the honey has not been heated excessively
  • Leptosperin - a unique marker only found in New Zealand Manuka honey

Click here to verify Steens UMF Licence #2204


Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a preventative Food Safety System in which every step in the manufacture, storage and distribution of a food product is scientifically analysed for microbiological, physical and chemical hazards. Potential hazards are identified and appropriate control measures are taken before any problems can occur. Steens is certified under the HACCP principals overseen by the Ministry for Primary Industries.


Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a preventative Food Safety System in which every step in the manufacture, storage and distribution of a food product is scientifically analysed for microbiological, physical and chemical hazards. Potential hazards are identified and appropriate control measures are taken before any problems can occur. Steens is certified under the HACCP principals overseen by the Ministry for Primary Industries.

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